What Are The Health Benefits Of Wheatgrass?

With a little bit of knowledge about wheatgrass, you'll be juicing wheatgrass in as many juicing recipes as you can. Studies show that wheatgrass has a benefical effect in many special areas, and has many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes. It is a wonderful ingredient to add to your recipes.

But for many folks it is hard to add in 5 servings of vegetables a day as recommended by the government. An easy remedy to that is to drink WheatGrass Powder. Wheatgrass is more alkaline than any plant known to man!

Go NATURAL! Natural supplements are easily recognized, assimilated, and used (what a concept) by our bodies. When this type of nutrition is present, we will look and feel better than we ever have. Our skin will be clear and radiant. Our energy, mood, and mental clarity will be through the roof! We will look better and feel better than perhaps we EVER have!

Whey protein powder shakes. Our bodies need lean protein with every meal (plus fatty oils like fish oil) so that they can metabolize carbs for food. Protein is also essential for building and maintaining muscles, organs, hormones, hemoglobin and antibodies. Whey protein shakes offer an easy, quick source of protein (one of the most easily absorbed sources of protein there is) for those who don't always have the time to cook. Also, whey shakes give your diet some tasty variety.

There are several ways to attain wheatgrass juice. You can grow your own trays of wheatgrass at home from seeds and juice it using a special wheatgrass juicer. You can also purchase juice from a juice bar. Or, there are growers who sell trays of wheatgrass that you can purchase and then juice yourself.

PH is a measure of how acid or alkaline a solution is. The scale runs from 0 to 14 (0 is most acidic, 14 most alkali) with pure water being neutral at 7. Our bodies are mostly water, but **important fact alert** the body's pH is typically between 7.2 and 7.8, which means we are supposed to have a slight bias towards alkalinity.

Chlorophyll is one of the important elements they contain. By consuming foods high in chlorophyll, we check here are ensuring that our bodies absorb toxins and heavy metals present in our blood. One of the ways to be certain you are getting the greens you need is to consume a powdered green supplement.

There is a specific juicer type that is actually made especially for juicing wheatgrass. It is called a "masticating" juicer. This juicer presses moisture out of the plant in a way that a regular juicer cannot. This is important because many of the beneficial vitamins and minerals of wheatgrass are found within its moisture.

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